Spokane UX
We're a community dedicated to bringing people interested in User Experience (UX) field and topics in the Spokane area together.

Each and every member of this community is encouraged to contribute their knowledge just as much as they may learn from others.
Spokane UX blends professional wisdom with learner curiosity.

Join us

Spokane UX events are posted on the Meetup website before being shared across other social channels. Join us at one of our next events.

Meetup Events

We use Linkedin as our network of choice to connect with other UX professionals.


We use slack to share resources, job leads and connect with each other. New to Slack? No worries, there’s a page for that.


Meet the organizers
Whether you are a seasoned vet or just getting started, feel free to connect with us.
Code of Conduct
We ❤️ new friends and are dedicated to providing a fun harassment-free community for everyone, regardless of gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, or religion.